Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes) – what are the health concerns posed? Skin Infections, Digestive Problems, Stroke

Keep yourself when you are diagnosed with diabetes. You will need to check your blood sugar, eating right, staying active, and consumption of drugs. Now in the era of the BPJS, diabetes entirely the responsibility of the Government, with the way you are doing the BPJS dues each month, and if it pengecekkan your blood sugar is high, then every month you'll get free drugs (drug diabetes will be given away free for a month) and will get a free blood sugar pengecekkan from the Government through the program "prolanis". A blood sugar check blood sugar is fasting and 2-hour blood glucose after a meal by the laboratory.

That way, when we controlled sugar levels, then the expected complications of diabetes can be inevitable from yourself, and you can live a healthy life befitting a person without diabetes.

Skin Conditions

Many skin changes that occur due to infection, which turned out to be also triggered by diabetes. Your skin may feel itchy, or more can feel thinner or thicker, or you can feel your skin is scaly or there is a change in color. The circulation of the blood flow smoothly and no problems on the nerve caused by diabetes also affects your skin condition. If you experience inflammation of the skin, or the skin such as itching and burning due to infection, the doctor will prescribe a cream or ointment to the skin. Clear, keep Your sugar levels and keep checking each month your condition.

Problems with Digestion

Nerves called the "vagus nerve" moves the intestine to process food in the digestive tract. If the nerve damage of diabetes, then digestion will be even slower. You will feel a burning sensation in the chest called heartburn, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and feeling overly full after a meal, and loss of appetite. Controls blood sugar levels within normal limits to prevent this problem. Even when the problem has been getting worse, then you will be hard bowel movements (constipation) or precisely even diarrhea. Eat healthy food or a drug laxative can keep you regular bowel movements.


Stroke will strike the person's diabetes is more common, and tends to occur at a younger age than people without diabetes. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel delivering nutrients to the brain become weakened, injury, or terblok. When brain tissue lack nutrients being supplied by the blood, then the brain will be damaged permanently (forever) in a matter of 8 hours. How do I prevent it? Control blood sugar regularly. The higher Your blood sugar levels figure, meaning that Your stroke risk will be higher. Sufficient exercise, keep weight, and most importantly: avoid smoking.

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