Beware, A Daily Glass Of Alcohol Consumption Are Able To Increase The Risk Of Developing Cancer

Still warm in cyberspace about the debate over the banning of alcohol by the netizen. However, for health experts, the consumption of alcoholic beverages has become the very thing that is absolutely not recommended at all. There are a great many health risks can we get if we consume a lot of alcohol. One of them is cancer. Did you know, if we regularly consume a glass of alcoholic drinks every day, the risk of getting cancer turned out to be increased significantly.

Health expert dr Sally Norton mention if one glass daily consumption of alcoholic beverages can be promoted breast cancer affected risk rising to four percent. In fact, those who are heavy drinkers with a daily consumption of more than three glasses of alcohol, the risk of getting any cancer is rising sharply to 40 to 50 percent! According to him, it was the alcohol could cause 60 types of disease despite generally cause cancer, high blood pressure, cirrhosis of the liver and until the problem of depression. Alcohol is also noted as one of the main triggers of the problem of obesity, which in turn continues into heart disease or diabetes.

Dr. Norton's own data revealed a surprise in the last 10 years, an increase in the number of handling disease caused by consumption of alcoholic beverages at the hospital. In fact, in the United Kingdom at least 9,000 people should stretch the life due to illness caused by the habit of downing a drink.

Dr. Norton also spare existence of opinions from several other health experts who think if as long as the consumption of alcoholic beverages is restricted, then the affected heart disease risk can be decreased. Whereas, a decrease this risk applies only to women seniors only.

In the absence of a compromise, Dr. Norton and most health experts are in no way recommending consumption of alcoholic beverages, regardless of the reason. There is no limit on the safe at all will be konsomsi this drink because in such assessment, this drink is absolutely not good for the health of our body.

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Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes) – what are the health concerns posed? Skin Infections, Digestive Problems, Stroke

Keep yourself when you are diagnosed with diabetes. You will need to check your blood sugar, eating right, staying active, and consumption of drugs. Now in the era of the BPJS, diabetes entirely the responsibility of the Government, with the way you are doing the BPJS dues each month, and if it pengecekkan your blood sugar is high, then every month you'll get free drugs (drug diabetes will be given away free for a month) and will get a free blood sugar pengecekkan from the Government through the program "prolanis". A blood sugar check blood sugar is fasting and 2-hour blood glucose after a meal by the laboratory.

That way, when we controlled sugar levels, then the expected complications of diabetes can be inevitable from yourself, and you can live a healthy life befitting a person without diabetes.

Skin Conditions

Many skin changes that occur due to infection, which turned out to be also triggered by diabetes. Your skin may feel itchy, or more can feel thinner or thicker, or you can feel your skin is scaly or there is a change in color. The circulation of the blood flow smoothly and no problems on the nerve caused by diabetes also affects your skin condition. If you experience inflammation of the skin, or the skin such as itching and burning due to infection, the doctor will prescribe a cream or ointment to the skin. Clear, keep Your sugar levels and keep checking each month your condition.

Problems with Digestion

Nerves called the "vagus nerve" moves the intestine to process food in the digestive tract. If the nerve damage of diabetes, then digestion will be even slower. You will feel a burning sensation in the chest called heartburn, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and feeling overly full after a meal, and loss of appetite. Controls blood sugar levels within normal limits to prevent this problem. Even when the problem has been getting worse, then you will be hard bowel movements (constipation) or precisely even diarrhea. Eat healthy food or a drug laxative can keep you regular bowel movements.


Stroke will strike the person's diabetes is more common, and tends to occur at a younger age than people without diabetes. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel delivering nutrients to the brain become weakened, injury, or terblok. When brain tissue lack nutrients being supplied by the blood, then the brain will be damaged permanently (forever) in a matter of 8 hours. How do I prevent it? Control blood sugar regularly. The higher Your blood sugar levels figure, meaning that Your stroke risk will be higher. Sufficient exercise, keep weight, and most importantly: avoid smoking.

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All Kinds Of Contact Lenses

The use of contact lens getting extends at this moment and the choices contact lens is also more interesting. Someone can blue eyes one day, then a burning golden on the next day. There are also contact lens disposable to be thrown away after usage so penggunanya don't need to bother to clean and take care of her.

For people with impaired vision, contact lens remained an effective tool of choice. A thin contact lenses are comfortable and fitting affixed to the cornea (the clear front part of the eye) to correct eyesight like nearsightedness, shortsighted far, or astigmatisma. There is also the bifokal contact lenses for people with presbiopia.

Consult with a doctor about contact lens the right, and check the eyes regularly.

Soft Contact Lense

Soft contact lense made of some sort of plastic mixed with water. The water will allow oxygen flow passing through a contact lens to the cornea, thus increasing the comfort, reduce the symptoms of dry eye, and preserve the health of the cornea. If the cornea is not getting sufficient amounts of oxygen, blurred vision or other vision problems are more serious.

A lot of soft lense are disposable, so it can be directly thrown out after usage even if it's just for a minute. Wearing soft lense are always new dapar lower the risk of infection, save time because it doesn't need to be cleaned, and provide comfort more.

There is also a soft lense that can be used repeatedly. This contact lens can be used for about one year and have to be cleaned and washed every day. Usually the design of the lens contact this type of casual or less interesting.

Compared to rigid gas-permeable lense, soft lense was more comfortable wear. As a bonus, there's also a soft lense that provide protection against UV rays.

His weakness, soft lense was more easily absorb dirt rather than hard lense or rigid gas-permeable lense. Soft lense absorb dirt from the outside so that it can cause irritation of the eyes, for example smoke, make up, or SOAP that accidentally get into the eyes. Soft lense is also more brittle and more easily damaged than hard or gas-permeable lense.

Rigid Gas-permeable Lense
Like his name, contact lens this kind of more hard and stiff (rigid) than a soft lense. Lenses this type made up of a silicone allowing oxygen through the lens to the cornea.

Users this contact lens usually feel I see more clearly than if using a soft lense. Lens this type can also help to astigmatisma light. Lens this easy to its needs and enough to hold for long.

His weakness, the lens is a little not comfortable wear, especially the first time. However, if the routine is used, well, you will soon get used to it so it feels more comfortable.

In people with low vision are much much weight or low vision accompanied by astigmatisma, the correction will be better with gas-permeable lense. However, everyone of course has the right to choose the most appropriate for your convenience.

Lensa Bifokal
As we get older, the ability of the eye to focus on objects far and near the skids, a condition called presbiopia. If having a vision of far and near, the lens bifokal is the answer. The lens it is combined of the lenses negative and positive. The lens is available in the form of a soft lense or rigid gas-permeable lense. Consult with a doctor about the lens bifokal accordingly.

Lensa Torik
Astigmatisma sufferers who want to use contact lenses require torik lens. Lens torik is made from the same with other lenses, available in the form of soft or rigid gas-permeable, durable, and there are also colorful. As the lens bifokal lens, torik also consists of 2 kinds of lens: a lens for astigmatisma and one for low vision lenses far or near.

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